It's hot, folks. Summer has arrived in Aberystwyth, gateway to the West. The sky is that particular blue one only gets in Cardigan Bay, the sea is glinting with its reflected glory and the beer-glasses on the Pier shine with a scintillating azure hue as a result.
You would think life was serene, then, wouldn't you? Well, it would have been, but then some myopic muck-spreader who should have gone to Specsavers grabbed me by the scruff of the neck and I was unceremoniously shorn. This, despite the fact that I shall be travelling to the southern hemisphere straight after Graduation where it is WINTER!!! Then there is the question of modesty - its little short of embarrasing to have all one's clothes cut off in front of all of the these sunbathers in skimpy doodads.
The Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall are visiting west Wales this week - imagine my embarrassment if they turn up in my field with me looking like this? And it's the Vice Chancellor's final graduation before he retires in July. What is he going to make of my bald bonce? The sooner I am in South America where a thong is regarded as being almost over-dressed the better!
You would think life was serene, then, wouldn't you? Well, it would have been, but then some myopic muck-spreader who should have gone to Specsavers grabbed me by the scruff of the neck and I was unceremoniously shorn. This, despite the fact that I shall be travelling to the southern hemisphere straight after Graduation where it is WINTER!!! Then there is the question of modesty - its little short of embarrasing to have all one's clothes cut off in front of all of the these sunbathers in skimpy doodads.
The Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall are visiting west Wales this week - imagine my embarrassment if they turn up in my field with me looking like this? And it's the Vice Chancellor's final graduation before he retires in July. What is he going to make of my bald bonce? The sooner I am in South America where a thong is regarded as being almost over-dressed the better!