Having survived the nail-biting purgatory of flying in an aircraft only wide enough for three seats and a gangway, we deplaned at JFK Airport and headed for our hotel in downtown New York. Why we “deplaned” rather than just “got off” was never explained.
New York has never been one of Julian’s favourite cities since he is a naturally unsociable animal who is easily frightened by loud noises. Thus, the huge throngs of people and the requirement of all drivers of automobiles, vans, pick-up trucks and lorries in Manhattan to beep their horns at regular intervals combined to keep his nerves on edge. Or at least that used to be the case. I don’t know whether there has been an edict from Mayor Bloomberg restricting the honking, but it was definitely a quieter visit than heretofore.
Unchanged, however, was the level of knowledge and comprehension of the local taxi drivers. Having tried unsuccessfully to get “Water Street and Wall Street” across to the cabbie eight times, Julian finally put the address into his iPhone and leaned through the small Perspex window into the driver’s seat and showed him.
New York hotels are usually either somewhat tatty or only affordable if you can live off the interest on your interest. For once, a happy medium was found in the bijoux hotel in the financial district that the ever-reliable Hotwire.com managed to come up with. True, a swinging cat would have a sore head if visiting, but everything was new, clean and, more importantly, worked. The hotel was just over the road from Pier 17 where the tall ships are moored and we were therefore able to have a very pleasant wander down the riverfront.
And then it was back to JFK for the red-eye home. It is always a great deal easier to get out of the USA than it is to get in, so the queues were short, the grilling by officials non-existent, and Julian ignored the rules on livestock yet again by sticking me into his sock-bag. I'm off to cooler climes shortly, and without Julian (for which relief much thanks). Look out for my next blog from Helsinki!