Off to Dublin last week! My partner this time was young Richie from the Development Office whom Julian had let off the leash for once (fortunately, he's not a sheepdog).
Our event was held at the Gresham hotel on O’Connell
Street, and very nice it was too, and by 7.30pm it was well served with Aber Alumni.
Everyone who said they were coming turned up, even some people that didn’t tell
us they were coming came along. The more the merrier I say! Many of the guests were telling me that they had taken distance learning courses which means that while they were students they would have had the pleasure of studying in Aber for a week or two during the summer. Lucky them!
This was the first time we’d held a reunion in Dublin: our Irish cousins certainly seemed pleased to see us and the car stickers and fridge magnets went down a storm. The venue was great, the conversation was lively, songs were sung and a certain amount of wine was drunk. I didn’t get to bed until after midnight, having I managed to stay up through shear determination!
To be contin-ewed…....