Thursday, 2 February 2012

Lying on the shoulders of giants

Hong Kong - it's a wonderful place but not, it has to be said, particularly sheep-friendly insofar as grass is not abundant and I was chased off the Hong Kong Football Club grounds and the Happy Valley Racecourse when I tried to have a quiet chomp. I wouldn't have thought they would have missed a few mouthfuls but I suppose they have to have rules for everyone.

It was back to the wonderfully restrained and elegant Hong Kong Club for our alumni reception on Wednesday evening. Giles Surman was our host again and the turnout was excellent, with both old and new friends turning up to enjoy the company and outstanding refreshments. There was one comment I did not appreciate ("Ah, you've still got that bloody sheep") but took it with good grace. I'm also delighted to say that the car stickers went down rather well and I am looking forward to hearing about the sightings of our "Aber Alumni - still kicking the Bar" message all over the island, Kowloon and the New Territories.

A quick word for Julia Surman who was laid up in hospital - you were sadly missed and get better soon.

As it was, I hung on to Giles' shoulder like grim death in order for the photographer Julian (David Bailey he ain't) to take the necessary snapshot and the evening, as usual, overran and we were being politely but firmly shooed out of the reception room by the end.

Julian's speech concerning the importance of employability for our students and graduates was particularly well received and he came away with some excellent ideas and offers for Aber's latest cohort of bright young things. We have now arrived in Kuala Lumpur where it is significantly hotter. Julian is melting with a significant lack of grace and humour whilst I have yet to leave the air-conditioning of my hotel room. Today we have the honour of a meeting with Tan Sri Arshad Ayub before this evening's meal with the huge following of Aberites we have here. More soon.

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